Sunday, June 11, 2006
A Fascinating Discovery
While working on a heritage project for my stepson I became intrigued enough to search out my own ancestry. For hours over the past week I've googled, yahoo-ed and accoona-ed my way, searching on the main family names in my line. And I hit gold!!!! I was able to find, contact and hear back from a gentelman who lives not far from me - who happens to be a cousin. Now I am not good at this second cousin, once removed, etc etc kind of stuff. But he and I share the same great-grandfather!!!! He shared my note with his sister and she emailed me as well. I was just about bursting with excitement knowing other people, people I don't even know, are part of my family! As the song goes, "It's a small world afterall."
Friday, June 02, 2006
It's stil not happening
After contacting my local clergy who then contacted another clergy, the day off is still not happening. But what I did learn in the process is that technically, my observance of the holiday won't be affected by this. I was surprised to learn that Reform Judaism, under the URJ guidelines, only observes Passover for 7 days. I had thought and actually practiced 8 days since as long as I can remember. So according to how my family should practice, the day we send our kids back to school - the holiday has ended for them. I am relieved.