Thursday, May 18, 2006


What color is the sky in your world?

I know I am not crazy yet today forces were trying to prove me otherwise.

I attempted to gain a day off in my kids' school calendar next spring (April 2007) for a religious observance. The superintendent was very pleasant on the phone but his answer was no. Then I emailed one of my 'brilliant' ideas and while said superintendent agreed with it's worthiness (although he did NOT use the word brilliant) it was still nixed.

So I called a friend whose kids would also observe this holiday and go to school in this district. She was NOT aware the schools would be open, stating she hadn't seen the calendar. Superintendent told me 'the calendar has gone out' to which I couldn't dispute. But I would venture that 90% of the parents didn't read it - it was a one-page summary attached to another newsletter and it arrived 3 months ago!

I learned that a snow day could NOT be designated for the day I want my kids home because this would 'confuse' too many people if the alleged snow day is not used on the day it's been proposed. Like what significance is it to anyone to have off the Friday prior to Memorial Day weekend?

Am I crazy? Until the darn thing is printed in bulk, which will be mid-August and mailed to each family, I don't see how it can be set in stone.

I emailed the head of my religious organization and asked him to call the superintendent. It can't hurt. I don't think my kids or I as their parent should have to choose between religion and education. I'm not angry, just annoyed and perplexed. Said superintendent stated publically the School Board welcomes input but I can see why no one wants to open their mouths when nothing changes.


Gruess Gott Amy.
Homeschooling your children would get round this problem very easiliy.We homeschool are five children and always take a day of and have a party on a religious feast to make sure the children really appreciate the love God has for them.
We also find it means they are not white-washed with the moral free sex education which can only be discribed as totally perverted in the UK.What they exscpect 3 year olds to start learning about in playgroup would make you sqirm.By 7 in some schools-well thank God we can homeschool even with a ninth child on the way in September.We lost three due to miscarriage.We hope you get other parents to support you
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